The documentary delves deeply into the strained relationship between Brady and Belichick, with Graff describing Brady’s admission as “stunning.” It also explores various controversies involving the Patriots, alongside their remarkable string of successes.
Belichick, on the other hand, remains tight-lipped throughout the documentary. Graff notes that he rarely speaks, and at one instance, he dismisses an interviewer’s question about Malcolm Butler’s controversial benching during the Super Bowl.
The documentary sheds light on the fractured dynamic between Brady and Belichick, a revelation that Graff finds particularly striking. Additionally, it offers insights into other controversies that have surrounded the Patriots, as well as their extraordinary achievements over the years.
Belichick’s minimalistic approach to the documentary is evident, with Graff highlighting his reluctance to engage in extensive discussions. This is exemplified by his reaction to the question about Butler’s benching, indicating his preference to avoid addressing controversial topics.
Overall, the documentary provides a comprehensive examination of the Brady-Belichick relationship, offering viewers a deeper understanding of the complexities and challenges faced by one of the most successful partnerships in NFL history.
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